Graduating from college is an absolute big deal! It’s a must that you celebrate with a photo session to show off your accomplishments! Add your besties to your photo shoot, and you have the most amazing experience apart from actually walking across the stage to receive your diploma! This West Virginia University BFF graduation session was special for two reasons, one being that these girls had just completed the dental hygiene program and that I love shooting on this campus!

WVU Dental School

I loved capturing this session for five new dental hygiene graduates – it really hit home for me. I’m a registered dental hygienist. These girls and all dental hygienist students will have my heart because I was once a student like them. I remember finally graduating, with a great feeling of accomplishment, to finally be done after so many hours of work and training. Once I passed my boards, I could embark on my dentistry career, and it was such an exciting feeling.

The WVU School of Dentistry makes sure that all its students graduate with weeks of hands-on experience in a real dental office before they graduate. They are in the process of creating a residency program focused on pediatric dentistry to address the growing number of children in the state who need dental attention. Dental students learn to work in diverse environments based on the needs of the state.

BFF Graduation Photoshoot

A graduation session with your best friends is a great way to reflect on your time spent together studying, exams, life lessons, etc. You learn a lot from each other and support everyone during the highs and lows of completing a college degree. A photoshoot is such a fun way to commemorate all the hard work of over four years or more. Wearing your cap and gown during your session is the cherry on top of finally saying, “I did it!”

Lauren, Kara, Maddie A. Leigh Ann, and Maddie O. all got together and asked me to document this special time for them. Even though I may not have graduated from the same dental hygiene program, I knew how excited they were to graduate after countless exams and training. It’s a lot of hard work and there’s no greater feeling when you have finished all of your courses and graduate!

Woodburn Circle at WVU

All of their photos were taken at Woodburn Circle on West Virginia‘s downtown campus. This is the spot on campus where all of the students want their pictures taken! Woodburn Hall is the epitome of West Virginia University. It can be seen in numerous illustrations and artwork associated with the university. The girls had a separate mini session and then regathered for group portraits. The most exciting part of the entire session came when the school mascot just happened to be walking through the area. For those who don’t know, the mascot for WVU is the mountaineer. He stayed for a few minutes and joined the girls in some photos! All too exciting!

Congrats to all these accomplished young women! If you’re starting your senior year and ready for a West Virginia University BFF graduation session, I’m all in! Head to my contact page to send me your info!


Maddie A.


Maddie O.

Leigh Ann

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